On the Road to Become an Entrepreneurial University

In Kurdistan Region the pressure on higher educational institutions to change is increasing. Mostly in the direction of filling the gap between academia and industry. Hence supplying the market with the skills needed and alleviate the unemployment problem are of substantial significance.

13th Nov. 2018 marked an exceptional date in 2018 academic year at Koya University (KOU). A group of 6 staff (among them a director and 3 heads of departments) have determined to start a new chapter in KOU's continuous efforts to target many promoting areas. This time, opening an Entrepreneurial Chapter was the objective of this mission. The first step in this direction has been accomplished successfully. The step which recognized by the entitlement of the above staff to become trainers of Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP).

With continued support of the Government of Japan, through projects aiming to strengthen the humanitarian-development nexus and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development, and direct intervention of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as an implementing partner, the staff were trained for 20 training days between 14. Oct. - 08. Nov. 2018 in Erbil.

As KOU emphasizes the fact that; it is entrepreneurial individuals that drive innovation. The next stage on the same route is to target 60 young people from local communities, IDPs and Syrian Refugees to attend an 8-weeks EDP training course late November 2018 up to the end of January 2019. One of the distinguishing feature of the program is to support 15 projects with up to $2000 per each.

Within the framework of this remarkable project, KOU is profoundly thankful to Mr. Katsumi Moriyasu (Consul of Japan in Erbil) and Ms. Jovita "Peewee" Culaton Viray (UNIDO's Chief Technical Adviser in Erbil) for their outstanding support.

E.b.: Dr.-Ing. Rastee D. Ali

Koya, 2018